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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi community,

This information applies to EHWIC-4G-LTE, NIM-4G-LTE and the 800 series routers with an embedded Sierra Wireless modem that have support for Verizon network

Starting with IOS 15.3(3)M, Verizon required for all connections to have certain set of profiles in order to be able to connect to their network, the profile configuration for Verizon connections can be seen below:

Router# show cellular 0 profile  (show cellular x/x/x profile for modular devices)

Profile 1 = INACTIVE **
PDP Type = IPv6
Access Point Name (APN) = vzwims
Authentication = None

Profile 2 = INACTIVE
PDP Type = IPv4v6
Access Point Name (APN) = vzwadmin
Authentication = None

Profile 3 = INACTIVE*
PDP Type = IPv4
Access Point Name (APN) = <APN given by Vz>
Authentication = None

Profile 4 = INACTIVE
PDP Type = IPv4v6
Access Point Name (APN) = vzwapp
Authentication = None

* - Default profile
** - LTE attach profile

Profile 1 shouldn't be modified and is supposed to be always the same (vzwims), the data profile on Verizon is always going to be profile 3, and in case it needs to be manually configured you can use the following command to modify it:

Router# cellular 0 lte profile create 3 <APN> none ipv4

I hope you find this information helpful, and if you want to consult more guides on configurations for EHWIC-4G or 800 routers with 4G you can find the guides on the link below:

Thank you,

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