12-12-2022 10:29 AM - edited 12-12-2022 03:05 PM
For many years Prime Infrastructure has been a key management platform for customers to manage their campus networks. But the benefits of Cisco DNA Center and bringing up campus and branch with intent and security in mind go way beyond what Prime Infrastructure can support.
Cisco has built an easy tool called Prime Data Migration Tool (PDMT) that simplifies the process of migrating sites, devices, configuration, CLI templates, ISE, and CMX from Prime Infrastructure to Cisco DNA Center. We have even made it possible to co-exist between Prime Infrastructure and Cisco DNA center if you would like to slowly transition to Cisco DNA Center.
This article will go into detail on what the co-existence between Prime Infrastructure and Cisco DNA Center will look like. In co-existence mode, the prime would be the single source of truth for migrated sites & inventory to help co-existence. During the co-existence phase, any changes performed through Cisco DNA Center on hierarchy, inventory, and maps will be overwritten when a sync/ force sync is triggered from Prime Infrastructure with Prime data.
To learn about the steps needed to migrate from Prime Infrastructure to Cisco DNA Center, please refer to the YouTube video:
In the below table, we can see what gets migrated automatically when co-existence is enabled during migration. We can also see what does not get migrated automatically and needs a manual force sync using the PDMT tool.
If co-existence is enabled on Prime Infrastructure with the PDMT tool,
If Prime and Cisco DNA Center are in co-existence mode, here are the following changes that can be made in Cisco Prime Infrastructure and Cisco DNA Center to make sure that the devices are not being managed by two entities.
Thank you for your sharing.
I have question, If I used still cisco prime. when will it be end of life? does cisco DNA center still support SNMP v1,v2,v3 and compatible with different brand devices?
We have a Cisco DNA Center we have already created a Hierarchy under the global. And we want to keep the floor plans in the DNA Center and when we do a Prime infrastructure 3.7 patch 5 Migration with map how do we stop the replacement of the DNA Center maps. And we only use our Prime for Wireless monitoring. And want to move our CMX 10.6.3 into our DNA Center as well. So we are trying review your documentation and it difficult for us. Any assistance would be nice. Thank You
Is the co-existence mode a good choice for a migration from Prime Infrastructure to Catalyst Center? The plan is to do a granular migration and then turning Prime Infrastructure off and Catalyst Center will be the new and only system.
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