01-26-2018 03:42 AM - edited 03-01-2019 05:09 PM
I am going to design and build an LAN network under a tunnel underground with long distance between the switches.
I will have 2 Catalyst switches and 8 Industrial IE3000, and they will be connected with fiber.
For now I am planning on use Layer-2 switching, and if I do that will design the network according to "Suggestion 2".
The network will have 3 VLANs
Any suggestion or ideas about the design when it comes to STP, portsecurity, and so on?
Switchport security with violation and 802.1X authentication policy and max one mac address at the time or shutdown plus trap
very good SNMP config - V3 if possible
Use VTPv2 - Catalyst to be primary servers
Tacacs+ access and no console recovery
All not connected port disabled (shutdown)
I also would add a private VLAN for GUEST network access if i were you.
If you want to do something fancy you could even split the fiber and use a internal couple to interconnect the two catalysts so to form a pyramid :
CAT1 --- CAT2
IND1 IND2 IND3 ..................................................... IND8
each of which could be double connected to the catalysts for redundancy. this way you will never have STP issues.
Set the catalysts to be VTP servers AND the industrial ones to never become anything else than client -- not even trying to negotiate :)
Good Luck
Hope this helps
I don't think you need to worry too much with the simple topology as this one. If needed STP will block the port between last two switches. You can use RSTP for faster convergence.
Port security is really important if somebody can compromise the switches.
I like to put spanningtree bpduguard enable on access ports. It will block BPDUs to not enter your network per that port and potentially create spanning tree issues. But do not put it on trunk.
You have an incredibly simple topology so you don't need to consider too much in the way of design; however, below are some of the practices I implement in scenarios like yours:
1. Disable VTP - You want to administratively configure all VLANs and tagging on trunk ports. As you network grows, it should not be an excuse to turn on VTP, instead it should be a reason to look to automate or use tools to manage your infrastructure
2. Rapid-PVST should be the default spanning-tree protocol and just fine for environments with a small to moderate number of VLANs deployed. It is only when you grow to closer than to 100 VLANs, and above, should you consider something like MST.
3. Set BPDUGUARD and BPDUFILTER global for portfast enabled ports. You can use other STP enhancements as well, it won't hurt as long as you understand what you're doing. You can leave the timers alone.
4. Determine your spanning-tree primary and secondary root from the get-go, this way you have predictability during a failover
5. For the link connecting your switches together, and the links from those switches into your network, you may want to look at setting your link-debounce timers to 0 for faster convergence.
6. If you can afford more than one fiber connection between the switches, go for it and place them into a port-channel, use LACP if available in your code or static Etherchannel is fine too
7. Loopguard, instead of UDLD, is something to consider too, while it doesn't prevent against wiring (layer 1) issues, it is assumed that once your fiber cables are installed there is little chance of them suffering from a unidirectional issue and loop-guard has better features and is more granular.
Everyone else made great recommendations too, using SNMPv3 if you can, disable telnet, use the strongest SSH cipher you can, disable HTTP/HTTPS on the switches, and keep good logs.
Glad you agree Robert :). Just my thoughts too.
Security is overrated after all :), I see telnet dominating every production network I saw :P.
Palmen, you can rate our incredibly useful comments as helpful. :)
Robert - BPDUFILTER is the single most dangerous command you can ever enter on a switch. The number of occasions where it is EVER appropriate is vanishingly small.
Since it causes BPDU's to not be transmitted on that interface and not received on that interface it disables BPDUGuard. Putting BPDUFilter on an interface effectively turns spanning tree off on that interface and guarantees that should someone loop that port by accident it will result in a total site outage and be very difficult to find.
This is a case of "been there, done that, had the 2 hour Datacenter outage" when someone added that command to "just get it to work"
Most dangerous thing after VTP. VTP is really bad :)
I was just kidding about security.
About the VTP:
That's how I understood the issues VTP can do. I labbed it also.
And if you disagree, you can maybe explain if I'm wrong instead of being offensive...
No problem.
Yes, a human mistake, but it can be really a huge one :). Imagine that it changes the MGMT vlan on 200 switches... That would surely hurt.
After all, 'According to the survey, 66 percent of respondents cited human error in the configuration of network devices as the most common cause of outages.'
In our network we don't have use for it anyway. We have transport switches with 3000-4000 vlans withc changes being made daily.
Too bad Palmen abandoned his own thread.
The design looks okay if you've reasonable number of CCTV cameras connected to the network as your up-links are only 1G and traffic has to traverse all over the fiber ring.
Below are the key points to get it running in a proper way:
On IE3000 switches:
On Catalyst switches:
Good Luck!
Please rate the answer and mark it 'Correct' if it answers your question.
Don't break your brain go into config mode try command (config)#ip ? if you can see
route Establish static routes
routing Enable IP routing
this means your switch is Layer 3 but it doesn't exist make sure you are on Layer 2 switch.
Doesn't VTPv3 prevent overriding of the VLAN database? Why not just use VTPv3?
Hi Delta,
people are just not familiar with this solution. You can still override everything but it is way harder to do it because you need to authenticate first.
VTPv3 is a good solution for the classic enterprise ans branch switching design but then again, is matter of personal choice other than architectural circumstances.
Take care,
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