on 02-22-2019 11:02 AM
This article describes IPSec IKEv1 site-to-site VPN with pre-shared keys configuration in transport-vpn on vEdge between IOS device with VRF configured.
vEdge router with 18.2 software or newer and Cisco IOS-XE router.
vpn 0 ! interface ge0/1 ip address ! no shutdown ! interface ipsec1 ip address tunnel-source-interface ge0/1 tunnel-destination ike version 1 mode main rekey 14400 cipher-suite aes128-cbc-sha1 group 2 authentication-type pre-shared-key pre-shared-secret $8$qzBthmnUSTMs54lxyHYZXVcnyCwENxJGcxRQT09X6SI= local-id remote-id ! ! ! ipsec rekey 3600 replay-window 512 cipher-suite aes256-cbc-sha1 perfect-forward-secrecy group-2 ! no shutdown ! vpn 1 ip ipsec-route vpn 0 interface ipsec1
crypto keyring KR vrf vedge2_vrf pre-shared-key address key test crypto isakmp policy 10 encr aes authentication pre-share group 2 crypto isakmp profile IKE_PROFILE keyring KR self-identity address match identity address vedge2_vrf crypto ipsec transform-set TSET esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac mode tunnel crypto ipsec profile IPSEC_PROFILE set transform-set TSET set pfs group2 set isakmp-profile IKE_PROFILE ! interface Tunnel1 ip address description "*** IPSec tunnel ***" tunnel source tunnel mode ipsec ipv4 tunnel destination tunnel vrf vedge2_vrf tunnel protection ipsec profile IPSEC_PROFILE isakmp-profile IKE_PROFILE ! interface GigabitEthernet4 description "*** vEdge2 ***" ip vrf forwarding vedge2_vrf ip address secondary
1. Make sure remote address of peer is reachable:
csr1000v2#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/9 ms
2. Check if IPSec phase1 (IKE) is established on Cisco IOS-XE router, state should be "QM_IDLE":
csr1000v2#show crypto isakmp sa IPv4 Crypto ISAKMP SA dst src state conn-id status QM_IDLE 1004 ACTIVE IPv6 Crypto ISAKMP SA
3. Check if IPSec phase 2 is established on Cisco IOS-XE router and make sure that "pkts encaps" and "kts decaps" counters are increasing in both sites
csr1000v2#show crypto ipsec sa interface: Tunnel1 Crypto map tag: Tunnel1-head-0, local addr protected vrf: (none) local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( current_peer port 4500 PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,} #pkts encaps: 12, #pkts encrypt: 12, #pkts digest: 12 #pkts decaps: 10, #pkts decrypt: 10, #pkts verify: 10 #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0 #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0 #pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0 #send errors 0, #recv errors 0 local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.: plaintext mtu 1422, path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb GigabitEthernet4 current outbound spi: 0xFFB55(1047381) PFS (Y/N): Y, DH group: group2 inbound esp sas: spi: 0x2658A80C(643344396) transform: esp-256-aes esp-sha-hmac , in use settings ={Tunnel UDP-Encaps, } conn id: 2023, flow_id: CSR:23, sibling_flags FFFFFFFF80004048, crypto map: Tunnel1-head-0 sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4608000/1811) IV size: 16 bytes replay detection support: Y Status: ACTIVE(ACTIVE) inbound ah sas: inbound pcp sas: outbound esp sas: spi: 0xFFB55(1047381) transform: esp-256-aes esp-sha-hmac , in use settings ={Tunnel UDP-Encaps, } conn id: 2024, flow_id: CSR:24, sibling_flags FFFFFFFF80004048, crypto map: Tunnel1-head-0 sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4608000/1811) IV size: 16 bytes replay detection support: Y Status: ACTIVE(ACTIVE) outbound ah sas: outbound pcp sas:
4. Check if IPSec phase 1 and 2 session are established on vEdge as well. State should be "IKE_UP_IPSEC_UP".
vedge4# show ipsec ike sessions ipsec ike sessions 0 ipsec1 version 1 source-ip source-port 4500 dest-ip dest-port 4500 initiator-spi 8012038bc7cf1e09 responder-spi 29db204a8784ff02 cipher-suite aes128-cbc-sha1 dh-group "2 (MODP-1024)" state IKE_UP_IPSEC_UP uptime 0:01:55:30
vedge4# show ipsec ike outbound-connections SOURCE SOURCE DEST DEST CIPHER EXT IP PORT IP PORT SPI SUITE KEY HASH TUNNEL MTU SEQ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4500 4500 643344396 aes256-cbc-sha1 ****ba9b 1418 no
5. Check if tx- and rx- counters are increasing as well in both directions and matching counters that were seen on Cisco IOS XE router.
vedge4# show tunnel statistics dest-ip TCP TUNNEL SOURCE DEST SYSTEM LOCAL REMOTE TUNNEL MSS PROTOCOL SOURCE IP DEST IP PORT PORT IP COLOR COLOR MTU tx-pkts tx-octets rx-pkts rx-octets ADJUST --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ipsec 4500 4500 - - - 1418 10 1900 11 2038 1334
Hey All/ @ekhabaro ,
I am having issues with the above...
It looks very easy and seems straightforward but I just cannot get my lab up.
I keep getting the below:
*Jul 11 10:37:04.128: %CRYPTO-6-IKMP_NOT_ENCRYPTED: IKE packet from was not encrypted and it should've been.
*Jul 11 10:37:11.760: %CRYPTO-6-IKMP_MODE_FAILURE: Processing of Informational mode failed with peer at
That IP is the vEdge's VPN0 ip addr....
I obviously changed the IP addresses to match my lab, but other than that I use vEdge Cloud and some IOS router.
Will perhaps try another version....any help appreciated
I have the same issue. Did you get any further in your issue?
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