Hi, I am having trouble configuring new Device Templates on NSO 5.4.6 using RESTCONF / JSON payload when tags are configured.
I use "rload merge snmp3.xml" to load the following device template. I pull the JSON format and get @ tags markups.
curl -u admin:admin -X GET -H "Accept:application/yang-data+json" ""
The problem is that I can't seem to patch the Device Template back with RESTCONF. I keep getting errors unless I delete all the @ tags markup (at which point it works). Do you see what I'm missing or a workaround?
$ curl -u admin:admin -X PATCH -T ./snmp3_json.txt -H "Accept:application/yang-data+json" -H "Content-Type:application/yang-data+json" ""
"ietf-restconf:errors": {
"error": [
"error-type": "application",
"error-tag": "malformed-message",
"error-path": "/tailf-ncs:devices/template",
"error-message": "missing element: snmp-community-string in /ncs:devices/ncs:template[ncs:name='snmp3']/ncs:ned-id[ncs:id='cisco-nx-cli-5.21:cisco-nx-cli-5.21']/ncs:config/nx:snmp-server/nx:community"
"tailf-ncs:template": [
"name": "snmp3",
"ned-id": [
"id": "cisco-nx-cli-5.21:cisco-nx-cli-5.21",
"config": {
"tailf-ned-cisco-nx:snmp-server": {
"community": [
"@@community": {"tags": ["delete"]},
"snmp-community-string": "{$COMMUNITY}"
"location": "{$LOCATION}",
"@location": {"tags": ["delete"]}
"id": "cisco-ios-cli-6.74:cisco-ios-cli-6.74",
"config": {
"tailf-ned-cisco-ios:snmp-server": {
"community": [
"@@community": {"tags": ["delete"]},
"name": "{$COMMUNITY}",
"RO": [null]
"location": "{$LOCATION}",
"@location": {"tags": ["delete"]}
$ cat snmp3.xml
<config xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/config/1.0">
<devices xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs">
<id xmlns:id="http://tail-f.com/ns/ned-id/cisco-ios-cli-6.74"> id:cisco-ios-cli-6.74</id>
<snmp-server xmlns="urn:ios">
<community tags="delete">
<location tags="delete">{$LOCATION}</location>
<id xmlns:id="http://tail-f.com/ns/ned-id/cisco-nx-cli-5.21"> id:cisco-nx-cli-5.21</id>
<snmp-server xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ned/cisco-nx">
<community tags="delete">
<location tags="delete">{$LOCATION}</location>