Looking over the api for ncs.experimental Subscriber, what is the correct way to pass the uinfo?
The subscriber is registered to the path /test_sub/request/device
In the code for the subscriber, I would like to pass the uinfo.username to run a single_write_trans as that user.
class TestSubscriber(Subscriber):
def init(self):
def pre_iterate(self):
return []
def iterate(self, kp, op, oldval, newval, state):
if op is ncs.MOP_VALUE_SET:
self.log.info('Request: %s' % (str(kp[1:])))
state.append((newval, str(kp[1:])))
return ncs.ITER_RECURSE
def post_iterate(self, state):
for request in state:
self.write_result(test_function(self.log, request[0]), request[1])
def should_post_iterate(self, state):
return state != []
def write_result(self, result, kp):
with maapi.single_write_trans('nsouser', 'system', db=ncs.OPERATIONAL) as th:
root = maagic.get_root(m)
maagic.cd(root, str(kp)).result = result
I would like to instead use something similar to the following in the write_result
def write_result(self, result, kp, uinfo):
with maapi.single_write_trans(uinfo.username, 'system', db=ncs.OPERATIONAL) as th:
root = maagic.get_root(m) maagic.cd(root, str(kp)).result = result th.apply()
Similar to how it works in the action class:
class DeviceOpsStatus(Action):
def cb_action(self, uinfo, name, kp, input, output):
self.log.info('ACTION: ', )
self.uinfo = uinfo
with ncs.maapi.Maapi() as m:
with ncs.maapi.Session(m, self.uinfo.username, 'system'):
with m.start_write_trans(ncs.RUNNING) as t:
root = ncs.maagic.get_root(t)
Do I need to pass this from the action to the subscriber? I don't see anything in the python api docs for the Subscriber class to pass uinfo.