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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


based on a discussion posted earlier in NSO Developer Hub ("Service Upgrade" with Python available?), I produced a full write-up on how to use the Python API to upgrade services, e.g. when YANG models change. This example is similar to the Java-based service upgrade show in .../examples.ncs/getting-started/14-upgrade-service.

The initial package and the upgraded packages including Python code are attached.

Thanks to Jan Lindblad for his guidance.


1. Create project and package

$ cd ~/dev/NSO/projects

$ ncs-setup --dest ./python-upgrade

$ cd python-upgrade/packages

$ ncs-make-package --service-skeleton python-and-template sample

2. Write Service YANG Module

  augment /ncs:services {

    list sample {

      description “This is an RFS skeleton service”;

      key name;

      leaf name {

        tailf:info “Unique service id”;


        type string;


      uses ncs:service-data;

      ncs:servicepoint sample-servicepoint;

      // Define simple VRF parameters: Name and VRF-ID for route-target config

      leaf vrf-name {

        type string;


      leaf vrf-id {

        type uint16 {

          tailf:info “<0-65535>;;VRF-ID”;

          range “0..65535”;





3. Print Service YANG Module as tree

$ pyang -f tree sample.yang

module: sample

augment /ncs:services:

   +--rw sample* [name]

      +--rw name                        string


      +--rw vrf-name?                   string

      +--rw vrf-id?                     uint16

4. Import service into NSO

$ ncs_cli -u admin

admin connected from using console on MLESKE-M-Q005

admin@ncs> request packages reload

>>> System upgrade is starting.

>>> Sessions in configure mode must exit to operational mode.

>>> No configuration changes can be performed until upgrade has completed.

>>> System upgrade has completed successfully.

reload-result {

    package sample

    result true


[ok][2017-09-28 09:54:12]


5. Configure 2 Sample services

admin@ncs% set services sample 100 vrf-name vrf100 vrf-id 100

admin@ncs% set services sample 101 vrf-name vrf101 vrf-id 101

admin@ncs% commit

admin@ncs% show services sample

sample 100 {

    vrf-name vrf100;

    vrf-id   100;


sample 101 {

    vrf-name vrf101;

    vrf-id   101;


6. Duplicate “sample” package to prepare YANG + Python Upgrade

$ cp -R sample upgrade/sample-v1  # This will be our backup

$ cp -R sample upgrade/sample-v2  # This will be our next version of the service

7. Update YANG Module in sample-v2

  augment /ncs:services {

    list sample {

      description “This is an RFS skeleton service”;

      key name;

      leaf name {

        tailf:info “Unique service id”;


        type string;


      uses ncs:service-data;

      ncs:servicepoint sample-servicepoint;

      // Define simple VRF parameters: Name and VRF-ID for route-target config

      // We have to keep the old nodes for the copy operation

      leaf vrf-name {

        type string;


      leaf vrf-id {

        type uint16 {

          tailf:info “<0-65535>;;VRF-ID”;

          range “0..65535”;



      // This defines the target YANG structure

      container vrf {

        leaf vrf-name {

          type string;


        leaf vrf-id {

          type uint16 {

            tailf:info “<0-65535>;;VRF-ID”;

            range “0..65535”;






8. Print updated Service YANG Module as tree

$ pyang -f tree sample.yang

module: sample

augment /ncs:services:

   +--rw sample* [name]

      +--rw name                        string


      +--rw vrf-name?                   string

      +--rw vrf-id?                     uint16

      +--rw vrf

         +--rw vrf-name?   string

         +--rw vrf-id?     uint16

9. Write Python code to copy values from old to new YANG nodes

$ cat ~/dev/NSO/projects/python-upgrade/packages/upgrade/sample-v2/python/sample/

# -*- mode: python; python-indent: 4 -*-

import ncs

from ncs.application import Service

class Main(ncs.application.Application):

    def setup(self):‘Upgrade Main RUNNING’)

        with ncs.maapi.Maapi() as m:

            with ncs.maapi.Session(m, ‘admin’, ‘python’):

                with m.start_write_trans() as t:

                    root = ncs.maagic.get_root(t)

                    for sample in

                        if is None:

                  ‘Migrating sample instace with name=‘,

                            sample.vrf.vrf_name = sample.vrf_name

                            sample.vrf.vrf_id = sample.vrf_id

                            sample.vrf = None

                            sample.vrf_id = None

                  ‘Migration completed for sample instance ‘,


                  ‘Service does not require migration: ‘,


    def teardown(self):‘Upgrade Main FINISHED’)

10. Update package-meta-data file to include new python upgrade class

$ cat ~/dev/NSO/projects/python-upgrade/packages/upgrade/sample-v2/package-meta-data.xml

<ncs-package xmlns=“”>



  <description>Generated Python package</description>















11. Replace existing sample service with upgraded sample service

$ rm -rf ~/dev/NSO/projects/python-upgrade/packages/sample

$ cp -R ~/dev/NSO/projects/python-upgrade/packages/upgrade/sample-v2 ~/dev/NSO/projects/python-upgrade/packages/sample

12. Import upgraded service into NSO

$ ncs_cli -u admin

admin connected from using console on MLESKE-M-Q005

admin@ncs> show configuration services sample

sample 100 {

    vrf-name vrf100;

    vrf-id   100;


sample 101 {

    vrf-name vrf101;

    vrf-id   101;


admin@ncs> request packages reload

reload-result {

    package sample

    result true


[ok][2017-09-28 10:52:23]


System message at 2017-09-28 10:52:23...

Commit performed by admin via tcp using python.


admin@ncs> show configuration services sample

sample 100 {

    vrf {

        vrf-name vrf100;

        vrf-id   100;



sample 101 {

    vrf {

        vrf-name vrf101;

        vrf-id   101;



$ tail -f ncs-python-vm-sample.log


2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Main FINISHED

2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Exited

2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Goodbye cruel world...

2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Starting...

2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Started

2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Upgrade Main RUNNING

2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Main RUNNING

2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Migrating sample instace with name=100

2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Migration completed for sample instance 100

2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Migrating sample instace with name=101

2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Migration completed for sample instance 101

2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Service create(service=/ncs:services/sample:sample{100})

2017-09-28 10:52:23 - sample - INFO - Service create(service=/ncs:services/sample:sample{101})


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