Hi !
This is a field i never got into so i lack few details . so forgive my trivial questions .
I have a datacenter spread on two buildings .
naturally i connect the two parts of the datacenter over the meetmeroom .
as i grow the amount of the fibers i need to add also grows . and the cost accordingly ...
i would like to find a way to take several Ingress 10G fibers and aggregate them at layer 1 , not layer 2 , into 2 or more Egress 10G fibers .
like taking each ingress and have it through a specific color/channel in the light ?
the reason i want layer 1 and not 2 is to override looping possibility . i see L2 here as a point of failure . and trying to avoid hanging switch on another switch .
like probabaly to put two of these on each side .
so my devices are :
Nexus 5010
Netxus 5548
Catalyst 65xx
is there a way to transform each of them to do that ?
ill thank you if you can drop here few devices who can do that .