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AD Plugin- is it worth it?

Level 1
Level 1

This is more of an opinion survey, I am installing a Call Manager system this week and have just been working with the AD plugin in the lab. I have not decided whether I will use it for the customer. How many of you are using it in production? Are there any disadvantages? Like- You will have all of the miscellaneous service accounts, etc.. showing up with all of the users. Is there any way to hide accounts from the phone directory?

1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1

What are the advantages of integrating CallManager with the corporate directory?

The main advantage of integrating CallManager with the corporate directory is that all user information (i.e., HR, Windows2000 credentials, phone number, email) can be stored in a single, centralized place.This greatly facilitates adds, moves and changes and reduces the risk of inconsistent information. In addition, the same user information can be shared by several applications, thus minimizing storage space and requiring to be entered only once.

What is the impact of this integration on the corporate directory?

Integrating CallManager with a corporate directory requires two changes to the directory itself:

· The creation of a new directory subtree, typically identified as ou=Cisco. Cisco applications store all information within this new subtree.

· A directory schema extension, to allow the creation of few auxiliary classes. These are used to store CallManager-specific user information, and they do not affect the core user information. The only attribute added to the main user entry is a DN which refers to an entry in the Cisco application-specific directory subtree (i.e., the ou=Cisco subtree).

Pros : • Single logical repository for all user information

• Corporate directory design takes care of replication/ distribution

• User information shared among CM clusters

Cons: • Requires customer to allow schema changes, DIT additions and R/W permissions

• Directory services unavailable if CM loses connection to corporate directory

• Additional load on corporate directory

Not sure if we can hide accounts from showing up on phone directory. This is something might be possible from Active Directory Users and computers.


Cisco Systems