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Call Handlers for unprovisioned numbers

Level 1
Level 1

What is the best way to play a message to callers when they dial a number within our DID block that has not yet been provisioned? I would like calls to these numbers to be played a message that Unity answers and returns the option of going to the operator. I do not want the callers turned away without explanation.

3 Replies 3

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Calls that forward into Unity from extensions that are not assigned to subscribers or handlers in the system get routed to the opening greeting call handler created by setup - the default greeting already indicates you can try an extension - you can update that greeting to say explicitly to dial 0 for an operator or the like. Is there some reason this doesn't work for you? Are you looking at getting fancier and have calls specifically to a range of extensions that forward in to go to a specific handler? This can be done if that's what you need to do - let us know what it is you want to do specifically here and we'll try to help.

I would like to get a specific range of extensions to route to a specific call handler -- not the opening greeting. Nothing too fancy. I would like to treat these callers differently than callers who get passed to the opening greeting.

sure, this can easily be done.

Go to the call routing rules section of the SA. For forwarding calls make a new rule that applies to calls that forward from extensions X through Y which includes all your forwarding extensions. Have this rule forward calls to a new call handler with the greeting you like.

The trick here is to make sure this rule is moved to the bottom, one above the last default rule (which you can't put anything after since it catches all remaining calls that hit it). This way calls that come in from known extenions are processed by the "attempt forward to greeting" and if the extension is not a subscriber/handler in the system it'll fall through to your new rule. If the call forwarded from an extension outside your range it'll fall through to the default opening greeting rule and get the current opening greeting call handler.

Should do what you want here...