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CallManager 3.2(2c)

Has anyone experienced any issues with user complaints that callers place calls to them, explain to them that the phone rang 10-15 times before they picked up, but the user says they picked up on the first ring? Meaning, the CallManager is supplying the caller with ring back, but it is not ringing on the users phone. I have not been able to duplicate the issue, but I have been receiving this complaint every few days. I do have misc. hunt groups, and forwarding here, but we can disregard that for the question asked.

4 Replies 4

Level 6
Level 6

I am hearing such a kind of issue for the very first time. There is some bug issues you trae facing with call manager

Is there a fix for said bug?

Level 3
Level 3

The first thing to do is find out everything you can about the probelm calls; what time, calling number, called number, etc. Then open up the CCM trace files. Run a search on the calling number and find out where CCM sent the call in the first place and for how long. I know you would like to disregard hunt groups and forwarding, but those are the most likely culprits.

Thanks - I do not have any patterns for this complaint. Some are incoming local calls, some our incoming long distance calls, and they happen at misc. times throughout the day. In regards to my comment to disregard the hunt groups and forwarding, that statement was made because that is what I think the problem is. I just want to keep an open mind, and not immediately assume this is a typical user problem. In regards to the CCM trace files, I have them on full detail, and both TAC and I have looked at these, and do not see anything that confirms this complaint. Thanks.