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Cannot Change Subscribers Extension

Level 1
Level 1


We are running Unity 3.1,

When are having some problems when changing extensions of subscribers and then usinging the old extension.

When we try to add another subscriber or a call Handler with the old extension , Unity prompts us with an error stating that the extension is in use by the subscriber who USED to have that extension.

The only work around We have found is to Delete the subscriber and add them in again with the new extension.

Is this a Bug in Unity? or is the method of changing subscribers extensions is to remove them then add them agian?

Any Ideas??

thanks for your Help in advance


3 Replies 3

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Which build of 3.1 are you using? This could be a bug with one of the triggers - I suspect the DTMFAccessID table is not being updated with the new extension but it is updated in the local call handlers table - I seem to recall an issue like that coming up and being resolved along the way.

No, you shouldn't have to remove a subscriber/handler - changing the ID should work.

We are on Build 3.1.1

We have restarted the server with no luck, is there way we can update the DTMFAcessID Table using SQL.

Thanks for the Help.


OK... first step is to make sure my assumptions about what's actually going wrong are correct. I believe this is a bug that was fixed but I can't find the DDTS record for it right off hand - I'll poke around some more.

in the meantime, if you can get the system into that state again - run this query against the subscriber you changed the extension for - you can plug this into SQL Query Analzyer if you have it installed or you can use the latest CUDLE from here (

SELECT callhandler.dtmfaccessid AS 'Call Handler Extension', dtmfaccessid.dtmfaccessid AS 'DTMFAccessID extension', subscriber.alias

FROM CallHandler INNER JOIN subscriber ON callhandler.callhandlerobjectid=subscriber.callhandlerobjectid

INNER JOIN dtmfaccessid ON dtmfaccessid.parentobjectid=subscriber.subscriberobjectid

WHERE subscriber.alias='esubscriber'

Of course substitute "esubscriber" with the alias of the subscriber you've changed the extension for. What I _think_ is happening is the DTMFAccessID table is not in sync with the call handler table - what you'll see is two different IDs in the resulting table - the old ID and the new one you changed it to. If that's the case we can certainly update the table manually here to get you over this. However long term I think we'll need to get you up to 3.1(5) anyway - I'm almost certain this is a fixed bug. While you're off doing that I'll look for the bug.