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Cisco Ip phone 7912 question

Hi I've recently instaled a ip phone 7912. I would like to know how I can change the Cisco Logo on the screen. I would like to put another image. This logo is located at the at the right upper corner of the screen.

I appreciate your help!



2 Replies 2

Ben Cook
Level 4
Level 4

Depending on your CCM version, the steps may be different, but this site shows you how to do it.

1. Download the SCCP Software Package Zip file.

2. Create the bitmap of the image to load to the phone

-The bitmap must be 88x27 pixels in size

-The bitmap must be black and white

-The bitmap must be saved as a monochrome image type

3. Convert the bitmap into a logo image using bmp2logo.exe

-bmp2logo x input_file output.logo

where x is an arbitrary number

-example: bmp2logo 10 cisco.bmp cisco.logo

4. Create a text file that will be used to build the ld or gk cfg file

-The file can be any name

-Must contain the upgradelogo key

-The SampleLogo.txt can be used as a template.

NOTE: the image number defined in step 3 must be used in this text file

5. Create the cfg file, use the cfgfmt.exe

-cfgfmt SampleLogo.txt lddefault.cfg

NOTE: if the same image is desired on all 7905's and 7912, use the lddefault.cfg and gkdefault.cfg files.

6. Move the .logo file into the TFTPPATH directory

7. Move the lddefault.cfg or gkdefault.cfg) (attached) into the COUNTRY specific folder.

-The ld or gk cfg files will need to be in at least \TFTPPATH\United_States

NOTE: The cfg file will need to be copied to each COUNTRY directory supported by the CM.

8. Reboot the 7905 or 7912 for the new image to display