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CiscoIPPhoneExecute problem

Level 3
Level 3


I'm looking for info on the CiscoIPPhoneResponse. I am sending a CiscoIPPhoneExecute with one URL and one URI to a phone. The URI, which tells the phone to play a tone, executes correctly. The URL is never requested by the phone (proven with LAN sniffer). Obviously the XML format and encoding is fine, as is the authentication, or the tone would not play.

Question: What does Status="1" and Data="Request Busy" mean?


<CiscoIPPhoneExecute><ExecuteItem Priority="1" URL=""/><ExecuteItem Priority="1" URL="Play:Bass.raw"/> </CiscoIPPhoneExecute>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>


<ResponseItem Status="1" Data="Request Busy" URL=""/>

<ResponseItem Status="0" Data="" URL="Play:Bass.raw"/>

<ResponseItem Status="0" Data="" URL=""/>


6 Replies 6
Level 5
Level 5

I have seen that behaviour as well, for no apparent reason. The tone would play, but the message would not display. After changing the phone settings around a bit and resetting the phone a few times it finally started working again (only that phone was affected). The settings I modified were trivial (I believe I only adjusted the idle timeout to 0 to see if the idle url was interfering). I would speculate that it may be an intermittant problem relating to the phone state.

"Request Busy" is documented as normal behaviour when the phone's directory is being displayed. See bug CSCed43986 for the writeup on the directory issue. It is noted as being fixed in various releases, so perhaps one of the versions noted in that bug writeup may resolve your problem.

Try resetting the phone from CM/cycle the power, it may clear itself up when the phone realizes it's not "busy". Also verify that the same push works with another phone...

Thanks for your feedback. Found the answer.

The phones in question had an idle URL set. Even though the timeout was set to 0, the CiscoIPPhoneExecute would not work correctly until I removed the URL.

Seems flakey to me.


If you put idle back on, the execute should still work. It does seem a bit flaky though...

I did, and it stopped working again.


ahhh ....

the idle URL is invalid - it points to a server that doesn't exist.

maybe that's the difference.


Power off/Reset/Romove idle URL...Any other options?

I met this "Request Busy" problem too when I tried

the push2phone service.

But the strange thing was the push2phone worked fine

on 7970/7960/IP Communicator at the beginning. Alert

message was displayed and the audio was played.

From the third day onwards, only the audio was played

on the 7970/7960 phones, alert message was not displayed. From the ethereal, "Request Busy" was found in the CiscoIPPhoneResponse message.

The push2phone works fine on the IP Communicator all

the time.

I have power off/reset/removed the idle URL

on both phones, result is the same, "RequestBusy".

If it is something wrong with the firmware, why did

it work at the beginning?

Should I update the firmware of 7970/7960? If yes,

how to do it?