I am migrating an installation to CUCM from Mitel. There is an E&M link to a PAGA system (Spector/Lumenex) from the Mitel. I have a VIC3-2E&M which I have tried in a VG320 and an old 3925 to interface with the PAGA but I can't get it to work. I don't have Mitel or PAGA support so I am a bit blind. I have confirmed it is Type 5, 2-wire working. I have also mirrored what the Mitel is doing, so on-hook, I read -48 on the E and also -48 on the M back from them. When I key the PAGA, E drops to 0 (ground) and M floats around 6-7v as does the mitel. My phone shows connected, the E&M card is active and it shows connected in IOS. However what is supposed to happen is you speak then hang up and the PAGA system plays the message. That is not happening. Tried swapping pins 4&5 (T&R) no joy, even tried 3&6. Tried various setting on the voice-port but just can't get it to work. Wondering if anyone has had s