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Enterprise parameters

Level 1
Level 1

How can I use the layout list in a specific agent? I am using the version 3.0(3a). I didn´t found this in the desktop administrator, I can only configure a workflow to a specific agent but not a layout list.

3 Replies 3

Level 7
Level 7

You can set it from your ICD script by using a Set Enterprise Server Data step of type 252 to the name of the layout you want to use for that call. If you need to change it on a per-call or per-agent basis, set your Select Resource step to /not/ connect immediately, then decide on a layout, do your Set Enterprise Server Data step and then issue Connect.

OK, but I need apply one list only to a one user no to all. I create a layout list diferent as the default but i can´t apply that list to an agent.

I don't know of a way to configure a layout list on an agent from the Desktop Administrator; it must be done from the ICD script. If you want the layout changed on only a specific agent:

1) Select Resource step. Don't connect immediately. Select Resource stores the resource ID in a string variable of your choice. The resource ID is the username of the agent that Select Resource has selected to handle the call.

2) On the Connected branch of Select Resource, perform an If step to check for the resource ID variable to be equal to that of the agent's username that you want to have the revised layout. If it's equal, the ICD script has picked your "special" agent to deliver the call to, so issue a Set Enterprise Server Data step to set number 252 to your revised layout. If it's not equal, don't do anything.

3) After the If step, perform the rest of your Set Enterprise Server Data steps.

4) Issue a Connect step to connect the call to the agent.

Here is some documentation: