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Extension Mobility - Logout for Timeout problem

Level 1
Level 1

I have a Cluster of 2 Server IBM 7815 with OS Image 2000,2,6 (Service Release 2000.2.6sr6) and a CM version 4.0(2a)sr1a.

I have enabled the service of Extension Mobility and the functions of Login and Logout operate correctly; I have problems with the function of AutoLogout at the timeout of 1:00 (60 minutes) that I have set up in the Service Parameters Configuration.

My problem is that after 3 or 4 minutes, the telephone logout auomatically.

You have of the suggestions?


4 Replies 4

Level 6
Level 6

verify that you do not have auto-logout enabled. If it is enabled, please disable auto-logout and check if it makes a difference.

Are you getting any error codes.

This can be also because of a problem

Occasionally, a device using the automatic logout feature gets logged out much earlier than expected because a pipe-truncation error causes the last digit of the duration to be dropped.

Workaround: Restart Cisco Extension Mobility Logout Service.

Level 1
Level 1

When you write "verify that you do not have auto-logout enabled." you mean to say in the : Service, Service Parameters, Server=Publisger Service=Cisco Extension Mobility and Multiple Login Behavior=Multiple Logins Not Allowed

This parameters ???

No !!! I use "Multiple Logins Not Allowed".

On the IP Phone Display In don't have any Error !!!

I have try to Shutdown many times the Server and Restart the Services w/o news !!!

Sascha Monteiro
Level 6
Level 6

I have seen the same situation..

The times and timezones were not the same on all callmanagers in the cluster...

Level 1
Level 1

I have installed all from the beginning and now the function of Extension mobility work correctly.

I have not understood why !!!