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Install CCM6

Level 1
Level 1

Hi to all,

I received "Not for resales" DVD of Unified Communications Manager 6.0.1, and I tried to istall it on VMWare VI3 (I configured the VM enviriorment as required RAM 1GB, HD 40GB, redhat 3 ecc... I know that is not supported.) the installation start and it seem run regular, but at "pre-installing applications" sequense it stop and it show me that error:

"The installation has encountered a unrecovarable internal error. For further assistance report the fowwowing information to your support provider.


"/usr/local/bin/base_scripts/pmNormalizeGeneric/tmp/ipmWorkFile" has exceeded time threshold pf 90 seconds

The system will now halt"

So if I restart the server, it doen't start and I can only re-install.

I tried to re-install four times!

Is it a problem of DVD? Or what? I can download image from cisco web site?



2 Replies 2

you need at least 2GB RAM and 72 GB disk

Try with your VM configured like that and keep us posted


It will run on 1Gb ( but 2 GB is recomended idd ) and you need minimal 32Gb disk space. do not allocate this drive space. you need cm6 to do that.

My cm6 runs in VM ware for serveral weeks. But our version runs on a windows 2003 server 64bits server.

Only i face now the problem that i can't connect between my router and the CM6...

I configured the router with examples of others but i get an serror of no name gtd and it disconnects directly.

or i made a configure mistake on the CM6.

because it is my first time i configure this situation have no study for it. an couldn't find an working example of the router i could use and cm5 of cm6 nfr example config.

may one of you have a sollution of can help me with it. in couple of weeks. i and a third party company will install the official cm6 if available. because my company want to run cm6 before the first of januar.

and one other tip may usefull download the update that is available on the cisco site :)