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Noob struggling to build callerinfo demo on tomcat/JSP

Level 1
Level 1


I'm trying to get the callerinfo and photodirectory demos working on Tomcat5, but have some questions:

- I get ClassNotFoundException for CallerInfoServer. Okay, I found in the SDKs Java/src tree, so do I have to copy it to the tomcat server and compile it myself?

- If so, I believe I'll need a jtapi.jar file to resolve against, but our CCM won't be installed for a while yet. Is there a way to extract it from the CDs, or is it available by other means in the interim?

- Once built, where should CallerInfoServer be placed on Tomcat? As a .jar in shared/lib just like CiscoIPPhoneSDK.jar?

Any/all insights appreciated with thanks,


1 Reply 1


Actually, CallerInfoServer is part of the CiscoIPPhoneSDK.jar so if you place this somewhere where tomcat can find it, it should work just fine.

However, myself and a few others experienced that it tends to work better if you recompile it on your own.

You do need the JTAPI classes in your classpath for the compilation to succeed (or you direct to the compiler to the jar when compiling). I wouldn't know of any way to extract the JTAPI installer from the CCM discs. However, without a callmanager, CallerInfoServer won't be of any use to you anyway.. you need a callmanager for it to work.

3) Depends on how you build it. I have to classes, and I changed the package name to callerInfoServer, so I place my CallerInfoServer.class file in WEB-INF\classes\callerinfoserver (callerinfoserver because that's the package name, if the packagename were ch.nextiraone, I'd have to put it into WEB-INF\classes\ch\nextiraone instead) relative to the path of the jsp file. If you have a jar, you can put it in WEB-INF\lib. That means it's only available to the callerinfo app. If you need it for other apps as well, then it makes sense to put it the shared/lib directory, or if you have classes, shared/classes instead.