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Phones keep unregistering **socket broken**

I have a group of phones that unregister periodically. The trace (below) shows that the phone is sending an unregister notice and being acknowledged. Any idea what is causing this? Any known bugs? It is CM 3.3(2) spC (only a pub), phone loads are 7940

App Load ID P00303020700

Boot Load ID PC0303010001

CCM|StationInit: 000000094 Unregister.

CCM|StationD(1, 89, 93) - Send StationOutputUnregisterAck in star_DeviceUnregisterReq|

CCM|StationD: 000000094 UnregisterAck status=0.

CCM|***** StationInit - Socket Broken. DeviceName=SEP000Cxxxxxxxx, TCPHandle=000000094, IPAddr=

CCM|StationInit - Closing Station connection DeviceName=SEP000Cxxxxxxxx, TCPHandle=000000094, IPAddr=, Port=51276, Device Controller=[1,89,93]|<CLID::StandAloneCluster><NID::><CT::1,100,98,94.1><IP::><DEV::>

CCM|StationInit - StationCloseReq received: output|

CCM|DeviceUnregistered - Device unregistered. Device name.:SEP000Cxxxxxxxx Device IP address.:

1 Reply 1

Level 4
Level 4


Check your network connectivity. You may have a subtle problem in your data network that is causing the phone(s) to unregister. Check your switch logs for anything out of the ordinary, check CallManager "system" event viewer to see if the NIC is not doing anything flaky, check speed and duplex settings, especially on the Callmanager and the switch port it's plugged into.

Had a similar problem. Problem was a GBIC between two switches was going bad. Switch logs indicated the link would go down and back up couple times a day for less than a second. Tough to notice on data only equipment.

Also check with other people using the IP Phones to see if they are experencing periods where there is silence on the phone when there shouldn't be.

Good luck