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"Sorry the system is temporarily unavailable" after user greeting

Level 1
Level 1

Unity 3.1(3) w/ Exchange 2000

TSP 6.0(1)

User is forwarding all calls to VM. When calling this user from an extension or PSTN all is well. If the call is transfered from another user, the greeting is played along with "you may record your message at the tone..." then "sorry, the system is temporarily unavalible. Goodbye" instead of the beep. Here are the errors in the event log:

IAvDohMailUser::Get(AVP_MAIL_SERVER) returned [0x8004010f] on line 4866 of file e:\views\Unity3.1.2.41\un_Conv2\AvConvPhoneHandler\AvConvPHGreetingSvr\AvSPlayGreeting.cpp

Running conversation PHGreeting on Port 2


CreateSubscriberMsg returned a NULL pointer on line 4621 of file e:\views\Unity3.1.2.41\un_Conv2\AvConvPhoneHandler\AvConvPHGreetingSvr\AvSPlayGreeting.cpp

Running conversation PHGreeting on Port 2

Any Ideas?

2 Replies 2

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The conversation guys had this to say:


Sound like the AVP_MAIL_SERVER property of that particular user is empty. For exchange subscriber/user this field shouldn't be empty. May be the user is newly created, and AVP_MAIL_SERVER not created yet for EX 2k. Or for some other reason the value was cleared.

Could you ask the customer to check that property?


So... can you fire up DOHPropTest (you'll find it in tools depot or in \commserver\techtools) - just log in with no PW and ignore the error to bring it up in read-only mode. Select the mail users on the left, pick the subscriber in question in the middle and then select the AVP_MAIL_SERVER property on the right and let us know what value is in there...

Thank you for your response.

I figured out what the problem was.

The AVP_MAIL_SERVER property is correct, it is the EX 2k server. Moreover, if I change mailbox field from CCM on that line apperance to the VM pilot #, it works fine.

This is because the AVP_MAIL_SERVER was empty for the line appearance that was forwarding to the line which had a CFwdAll to VM.