We have a CME with 8 FXO lines going into it. 3 lines are for incoming calls and 5 lines are for outgoing calls.
I want the people we call from the outgoing lines to display one of our incoming lines number. We want this so if they hit redial they call into our "incoming" number and not one of our outgoing lines.
Is it possible to translate outgoing calling numbers from the CME via FXO to PSTN? Is it possible that the telco is providing the caller-id and ignoring what digits that I send over the FXO line?
I tried the following with no luck:
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /.*/ /15551231234/
voice translation-profile profile1
translate calling 1
dial-peer voice 1 pots
translation-profile outgoing profile1
destination-pattern 1..........
port 0/1/0
forward-digits all