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Upgrade CCM cluster to 3.3.3 version problem

Level 1
Level 1


Today I was trying to upgrade our CCM Call Manager Cluster from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 version. Unfortunately following problem has occured.

When I was trying upgrade subscriber (after I install CCM 3.3.3 on publisher) I got following error message:


Failure occurred trying to get DBNAME value from registry. Aborting Cisco CallManager installation.


I suppose that I have made mistake rebooting publisher before upgrading subscriber. I have noticed in SQL enterprise manager that on publisher there is two databases : CCM300 and CCM301.

Only CCM301 is published

On subscriber there is only subscription of CCM300. Now I see that IP telephony system works but I can't proceed instalation on subscriber.

Has anybody had any experience regarding that problem ?

If you need more information I will provide it to you as soon as possible

Thanks in advance

Michal Borgul

5 Replies 5

I had the same exact problem when upgrading. I had to call TAC and they had to get into the registry of the subscriber to point it to the right database. I wish I could tell you more, but they seemed to know exactly what the problem was because it is a known problem when performing the upgrade to 3.3.3.


I got information that I should create dbname.ini and backup.ini files on subscriber. I have done this but It doesn't solve problem. I made additionally changes to Dbname Key in registry from CCM300 to CCM301. But it doesn't help too....

Michal Borgul


I have some additional information.

I have noticed that Cisco tool called

Database Helper shows wrong name assigned to subscriber.

But I have checked LMHOSTS file and there is correct entries for exmaple: TORCCM01 -our publisher TORCCM02 -our subscriber

Database Helper shows following information


TORCCM01 10 81.1.9

There is a following comment

Duplicate server found. Don't process.

It seems that it could be due to name resolution problem. But I see that LMhosts file is configured properly. In our CCM configuration we use IP addreses instead of DNS names.

So I hope maybe that information is a key to solve that problem

Best regards,



I`m having the same problem with my Subscriber, My Publisher did it until the 5th installation.

Has anyone got this working yet?

I'm also having the same problem. I have run DBL Helper and I have 2 problems. I have the same as ref above, duplicate name but I cannot find where the duplicate name is, also I have deleted an old subscriber and re built it and in the DNS part it is showing up as the new IP but the old name. I have checked the lmhosts file and when I run the nbtstat -c I get the correct names.

Any ideas?