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Where is subscriber info. stored?

Level 3
Level 3

Hey all,<br><br>Once again, let me start off by saying thanks for all the past help.<br><br>New question. In terms of disaster recovery. Let's say that we lost our Unity box and we wanted to recover it. Where is the subscriber information (extension numbers, greetings, etc. . .) stored? In other words, what files would we have to restore to get back the information that we see when we use the Unity Admin. interface in a browser? Is is stored as part of the Exchange IS? In the Commserver dir? etc. . . <br><br>Thanks in advance!<br><br>

1 Reply 1

Not applicable

In 2.x I always advise folks to do full tape backups of their Unity server and to get their Exchange director/information store. Any Exchange aware aware backup package can be used for this but the one we've tested and support is Veritas BackupExec.

In 3.1(x) I have a DiRT (disaster recovery tool) utility that will get all Unity specific data and subscriber information (including optinally user messages) off a box and onto a shared drive which can be used for smaller systems that don't want to pony up for a full tape backup package. For 2.x this is not an option.

Subscriber information is stored in the Exchange directory itself on mailuser records as hidden properties and as non visible objects (basically hidden mail users). Greetings and routing rules are stores on the local hard drive, schedules and system configuration information is in the registry. Messages are, of course, in the Exchange mail store. Short story is you wont easily pick and choose your specific files you want to backup. Do a complete tape backup of your system, there's no easy shortcuts for 2.x.

Jeff Lindborg
Unity Technical Lead/Answer Monkey
Cisco Systems (new page for Unity support tools and scripts)