Hello dtushing123,
I recieved the following response from one of our engineers. Let me know if this reply answers your questions.
This is the default fcoe qos configuration:
under system qos the below 4 lines always need to be added on a N55xx. The older N50xx initially had it automatically added. But it changed somewhere, i think with 5.0(2).... or so.
system qos
service-policy type qos input fcoe-default-in-policy
service-policy type queuing input fcoe-default-in-policy
service-policy type queuing output fcoe-default-out-policy
service-policy type network-qos fcoe-default-nq-policy
the policies are there by default, you just need to enable them under system qos.
If you want to combine jumbo and fcoe it looks like below:
policy-map type network-qos jumbo
class type network-qos class-fcoe
pause no-drop
mtu 2158
class type network-qos class-default
mtu 9216
system qos
service-policy type network-qos jumbo
service-policy type qos input fcoe-default-in-policy
service-policy type queuing input fcoe-default-in-policy
service-policy type queuing output fcoe-default-out-policy
this is an example with the fcoe default qos enabled. And then i added jumbo frames to it.
You must combine jumbo and fcoe in one policy map.
you can do a
show policy-map
and lookup the policies currently present in the system.
Easiest way to check is to do a
show queuing interface ethernet x/y
for the physical interface you bind your vfc too.
and make sure the fcoe plicy is enabled.