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2950G Who knows this?

Level 1
Level 1

Hi guys,

I have this 2950G switch that I have cascaded by use of several methods;Fiber, a cross-over cable on the ethernet ports and still behaves strange.

What happens is that after irregular intervals of 5 minutes 30 Minutes or even a whole 8 hours,it losses the connection to the other switch.

Who has seen this before and what is it all about?

2 Replies 2

Level 1
Level 1

Your case symptom looks similar as mine... I had a Cat6509 trunk to a Cat4506.I have several Cisco IP phone connected to the Cat4506. Notice that every 5min or so or sometimes a few hour, the ip phone will reset by itself. Even from the Cat6509 i cant ping to the Cat4506.

Did a "show trunk" from Cat6509 to Cat4506 port and notice that the VLAN for the IP phone was pruned.

To solve this problem i "clear vtp prune eligible" for the port connecting to the Cat4506 switch.

Now theres no more resetting of IP phone and able to ping the Cat6509 24x7....

Hope this can help....

Level 1
Level 1

We ran into a very similiar problem with our 2950's. After a certain period of time, we could no longer contact the 2950. It turned out to be a known bug in the version of IOS we were running. I can not recall what version of IOS it was, but we are now running Version 12.1(14)EA1 and have not had this problem since. Hope this helps.

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