I am trying to configure a policy map to look for certain application traffic using NBAR. I configured the policy to match citrix traffic and assign 25 % bandwidth to that traffic. I am able to apply the service-policy output "policy name" to the Ethernet interface and I could see the citrix traffic getting the required bandwidth using the Show policy-map command.
But I am not able to apply the service-policy input command to the ethernet interface. It takes the command without any error message. But when I do a show run, I do not see the service-policy inout command at all. Also, when I do show policy-map int eth0/0 input, it does not give any output.
IP Cef is enabled, IP NBAR protocol-discovery can classify the traffic details.
I am using IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 12.2(15)T14.
Any help would be appreciated.