Dead sessions with VPDN (l2tp)!!! In our LNS routers, we can see those sessions and they seem to be fine; but they are actually dead for some reasons. We are using 7200 with IOS 12.2(13)T5. Here is the partial configuration relating to the problems:
vpdn enable
vpdn source-ip
vpdn-group ISP-LNS
protocol l2tp
virtual-template 1
local name isp-lns
l2tp tunnel password xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
l2tp tunnel timeout no-session 10
interface Virtual-Template1
ip unnumbered Loopback1
ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
no logging event link-status
peer default ip address pool sun_au
no keepalive
ppp mtu adaptive
ppp lcp predictive
ppp authentication chap pap
ppp ipcp predictive
ppp timeout idle 600
A couple of observations here:
1) From the remote (customer) side, ADSL modems could not get IP addresses (showing up as as IP address)
2)From ISP side (on our LNS routers), we can see those customers ID connected and alive but they are actually dead. Since VPDN only allows one VPDN tunnel for one customer ID, the customers were rejected.
3)The command l2tp tunnel timeout no-session 10 doesnt seem to be working. What kind of correlations are between the command l2tp tunnel timeout no-session 10 and command ppp timeout idle 600? My understanding is that after 600 idle time, ppp closes the particular virtual interface; then after 10 seconds, the virtual tunnel relating to that virtual interface should be brought down too.
Bottom line is that I would like to terminate those tunnels after customers being idle for a while (say 600 seconds). any hints, ideas will be greatly appreciated.