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MBGP multicast route tables in IPv6

Level 1
Level 1

I am testing multicast forwarding under IPv6 using PIM and BGP. Two Cisco routers will exchange BGP IPv6 multicast route tables with each other, but a Cisco connected to an IXIA protocol tester will not. Without routes in the BGP multicast table, PIM cannot create its RPF tree.

IXIA states that they will not support this (afi/safi 2/2) because it is not an IETF standard. They will, however indicate this ability in capabilities exchange. Is Cisco ahead of the standards curve here or is IXIA behind the standards curve? Relavent RFCs and Internet Drafts don't get very explicit. They talk about MBGP use for multicasting and MBGP use for IPv6, but never define whether MBGP can or cannot be used for sending IPv6 multicast tables. If anyone can point me to an IETF document that explicitly defines the standard wrt sending routes with afi/safi set to 2/2, I would be very appreciative.

1 Reply 1

Harold Ritter
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

This has been standardized already.

The address family identifiers (AFI) are maintained in IANA. The value 2 has been assigned to IPv6.

The Subsequence Address Family Identifiers (SAFI) are also maintained by IANA. The value of 2 has been assigned to multicast.

Hope this helps,

Harold Ritter
Sr Technical Leader
CCIE 4168 (R&S, SP)
México móvil: +52 1 55 8312 4915
Cisco México
Paseo de la Reforma 222
Piso 19
Cuauhtémoc, Juárez
Ciudad de México, 06600