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Ping switch



Je précise que je suis débutant. 

Comment est ce possible de lancer un ping depuis un switch sachant que le switch est de niveau 2 et  ne construit que des trames de niveau 2 avec la mac source et la mac destination. 

Du coup il manquera l'ip source et destination dans l'en tête.

Merci d'avance 

2 Replies 2

Joseph W. Doherty
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Laugh, well we all start as beginners.

Your question is answered by understanding, when you ping from a switch, the switch is acting as just another network host, not as a switch.  It is the host's function to provide the L3 source and destination IPs.


Riez, eh bien, nous commençons tous en tant que débutants.

On répond à votre question en comprenant que lorsque vous effectuez une requête ping à partir d'un commutateur, le commutateur agit comme un simple hôte réseau, et non comme un commutateur. Il incombe à l'hôte de fournir les adresses IP source et de destination L3.

Martin L

Yes, L2 switch main role is to move (forward) frames from port to port but 1 interface can be brought UP with IP address in order to connect and manage such switch; this interface is named SVI- switched virtual interface; note word "virtual"; those SVIs are commonly used interfaces to receive and send traffic from switch itself and/or to/from Vlan x.  i.e. SVI interface vlan 10 will "spy" on all traffic moving thru all access ports belonging to vlan 10 and will inspect frames/packets only if destination IP matches SVI IP interface vlan 10.  All other traffic in other vlans are not being "spy" by SVI.  Unlike L3 switches, L2 switch can only have one SVI up up state for management purpose. By default, switch comes with vlan 1 ready for you (plug-and-play thing) sometimes even with IP address. You should and need to connect to switch remotely to inspect/configure/manage it on daily basis. 

Regards, ML
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