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Can't launch Cisco Configuration Professional on Windows Vista x64

Level 1
Level 1

The Help is necessary to resole the issue (see subject).

Tech enveronment

  1. Windows Vista x64
  2. Adobe Reader X ver. 10.1.0 (Russian)
  3. Cisco Configuration Professional 2.5
  4. JRE 6 update 27
  5. JRE 6 update 27 (64-bit)
  6. Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421IS

While launch CCP popup the message box :

"Unable to read the resource file. The file could be corrupted. Please re-install Cisco Configuration Professional to resolve the issue."

Ones (never popup after) Popup the message box (InstallShield Wizard):

Adode Reader is not present on the PC. It is required to view the PDF file.

Also the message box InstallShield Wizard:

Internet Explorer with javaplug-in version 1.6.0_11   Cheked

Adobe Flash Player version 10                              Cheked

Memory 1 Gb                                                      Cheked

Screen Resolution 1024x768                                Cheked

Cuted _cpinstaller_004.log file:

Product : Cisco Configuration Professional version 1.0

10-4-2011 16:48:31 LOG   : Command line options =

10-4-2011 16:48:31 LOG   : GetOS: OS Windows Vista

10-4-2011 16:48:31 LOG   : GetOSServicePack: service pack 2

10-4-2011 16:48:31 LOG   : GetIEVersion: IE version 9.0.8112.16421

10-4-2011 16:52:51 LOG   : CheckCCPPorts: WARNING 80 is not a registered HTTP port

10-4-2011 16:53:27 ERROR : SetRunAsAdmin: ERROR REG_APP_COMBAT_LAYERS_ROOT could not be created.

10-4-2011 16:53:46 LOG   : GetJavaIEPluginVersion: java IE plugin version 1.6.0_27

10-4-2011 16:53:47 LOG   : GetFlashPlayerVersion: flash player version 10

10-4-2011 16:53:47 LOG   : GetScreenResolution: screen resolution 8

10-4-2011 16:54:14 LOG   : OpenPDFFile: Adobe reader could not be found on system.

10-4-2011 16:56:17 LOG   : OnEnd: installation successfully completed.

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