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Need help with setting up VPN on a Cisco EPC3925 Modem

Level 1
Level 1

Hi everyone, I need help setting VPN on Cisco EPC3925 modem (I tried using Help and I have read the entire section in the manual but the manual is not the same as the window I get in my settings. For example in the manual they say I can choose "all" under Remote Secure Gateway but there is no option like that).   

When I go to the VPN section this is what I get: 

Screen Shot 2013-07-15 at 19.04.22.png


1. Does this mean that I can connect to my modem via VPN from some other location? I would like to be able to connect to this modem when I am not at home from some remote location from my computer in order to be able to use NAS-Storage.


2. If the answer on the first question is yes, what settings I need to enter for the:


Local Secure Group

Remote Secure Group

Remote Secure Gateway


My ISP is using dynamic IP but I have DDNS.


My router local IP is


Starting IP Address:


Here is how the advanced settings looks like:


Screen Shot 2013-07-15 at 19.11.16.png


Thanks in advance for your help!

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