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Who Me Too'd this topic

ISE 1.2 - Bugs (upgrade)

1) impossible to set a scheduled backup: calendar window shows "0" insted of the year or randomly "1900"... (forward button works, back button not) clicking "save" is useless as it doesn't respond (FF, Chrome, IE10)

2) Cliking on the nad interface from monitoring (real time authentications) leads to

"SNMP information is not configured for this device in ISE" on the old version only community "public" worked, now nor public nor others..

3) CLI is strangely behaving as lots of blank lines are pushed to terminal in between the last login information and the "ISELAB3315/admin#" (maybe this is a teraterm fault but never happened before)

this the result of 2h testing... quite a shame

Who Me Too'd this topic