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UCCX Script (Set Variable value with a set step)

Adan Zuniga
Level 1
Level 1


This is probably a silly question, but I am trying to achieve the following. I have a script that has a menu step that is Identical for 2 different Triggers. Depending on the Trigger however, we have different numbers that they do a call redirect to. Each option is for a different campus of our institution. The two campuses are RUMC and ROPH. I have string variables for each menu option 1-9 that are named sMainOptionxROPH and sMainOptionxRUMC. At the beginning of my script I have a Switch with cases for each campus. I have a Switch, because there are more options, but irrelevant for my explanation. On the switch I set the variable sHospCalled to either RUMC or ROPH. In my menu, I need to set the value of the string variable sRedirectNumber to the value of "sMainOption1"+"sHospCalled". The problem is that I need the actual value of the variable for example if sMainOption1ROPH is "65555" I need that value, not the literal string "sMainOption1sHospCalled".Help is greatly appreciated. this goes live tomorrow. 

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