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Prime Infrastructure sending -Database archive logs clean-up failed for Mobility service Engine

Level 1
Level 1

I have MSE VA installation in HA mode. Recently PI has started sending the following log. With some research it has been identified that this is a bug and only available fix is to delete the archive log. [Bug Detail :=hitting a bug CSCuv63990 and if the workaround is not implemented on time it will trigger another bug CSCuy20418 and the impact is, MSE will crash]. Cisco has claimed that this bug has been resolved in however we are receiving this log in]

  1. Alarm Condition:RAID Monitor on MSE

Message: Database Log Cleanup Failure.   Database archive logs clean-up failed 5 times. Please restart the MSE as soon as possible to remedy this situation. If this condition is not fixed soon, the MSE may stop functioning.

Failure Source: Mobility Services Engine <MSE1>

I am using the following command to monitor the archive memory consumption

cd /opt/oracle/base/diag/rdbms/mseorcl/mseorcl/trace/                                                    ( Am i monitoring the right location)


For last one week stats are as below

2.7G    /opt/data/flash_recovery_area/MSEORCL/archivelog/2016_05_13                        
2.7G    /opt/data/flash_recovery_area/MSEORCL/archivelog                        
2.7G    /opt/data/flash_recovery_area/MSEORCL   


3.7G    /opt/data/flash_recovery_area/MSEORCL/archivelog/2016_05_18                        
8.0K    /opt/data/flash_recovery_area/MSEORCL/archivelog/2016_05_17                        
3.7G    /opt/data/flash_recovery_area/MSEORCL/archivelog

And i am getting the alerts, My questions are as below

1. Am i monitoring the right locations

2. What is the safe way and appropriate command to delete the archive log

Please ask in case you require more information.

Thanks in advance.



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