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MX300 G2 video blurry

Level 1
Level 1

Hi all,

I noticed a strange thing on a several G2 units.

Sometimes video was appearing blurry and camera was not able to focus/sharpen the image.

The issue was happening usually after waking a system from standby and only during the call. On the other hand, self view was fine, so it was not a camera issue.

After trying several different things, eventually I turned off "TrafficControl Mode", and everything was fine

According to Cisco TelePresence MX200 G2 and MX300 G2 Administrator Guide:

TrafficControl Mode Set the network traffic control mode to decide how to control the video packets transmission speed.

Requires user role: ADMIN

Value space: Off: Transmit video packets at link speed.

On: Transmit video packets at maximum 20 Mbps. Can be used to smooth out bursts in the outgoing network traffic.

There is a bug CSCuw80861, for a similar issue, except the active workaround, upgrade to TC7.3.6 didn't work for me.

I can't imagine that the limitation of 20 Mbps is causing isuess here?

What exactly means: "Can be used to smooth out bursts in the outgoing network traffic"? What bursts?

Will there be any impacts on the network if leave this setting to "off"



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