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VM to Email on UC540 when not attached to WAN

John Gawf
Level 1
Level 1

I'm installing a UC540 on a network where it will not be attached to the Internet via the WAN.  Routing to the Inetnet will be through the LAN/Data interfaces.  When I do this, the VM to email doesn't work.  I go into the CUE command line and cannot ping any public IP's or DNS names from the command line.  If I attach the WAN to a public Internet (temporary) I can ping the public IPs and DNS names from the CUE command line.  Note, I can ping the public IPs and DNS names from main UC540 CME command line.  I called the SBSC and they didn't know how this could be fixed, but suspected it could via command line, however that is off limits without the special CLI support contract.

Has anyone solved this VM to email problem on the UC540?

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