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Xfer as a hard key?

Level 1
Level 1

Hello All,

We have two UC320W's installed at different sites with a mix of SPA504 and SPA509 phones, and a number of our users have been complaing that they find it difficult to transfer a call, in that it does not always work.

I have finally narrowed down the cause.  When they press Xfer then call the person they want to transfer it to, the Xfer button is visible, however when the recipient picks up the receiver at the other end the soft keys reset for a second and the xfer button is not available.  The person transefrring the call therefore presses what was the xfer key, now nothing, and hangs up.  This essentially leaves the call on hold.

The screen reset is only for about a second but often with our customers they are in the same room as the person they are transferring the call to so they have already told them physically who is on the line and they press the "key" when they see the recipient pick up their handset.  If they had pacients and looked at the screen or did a bxfer this would not be an issue, but when have users ever done what they are told.

It has occured to me that this could be fixed if I could program one of the hard keys to be an xfer button aswell, but the option is not available, unlike group pick up etc.  Can I suggest that Xfer be added to the hard key options in the UC320W.

Thank you,


P.S. If this is not the correct place to put suggested changes please let me know where I should be posting or emailing.

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