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Creating a User without a Mailbox in Unity Connection via VMREST or API

Level 1
Level 1



I am trying to write an application that will create a user without a mailbox in Unity connection via the VMREST API. However, when I select the user template for my admin users I always get an error. "Object not found or is not a template"


To add a user I am sending a POST with a JSON Body to this URL:

url https://<Unity connection ip>/vmrest/users?templateAlias=administrator'




400 Bad Request <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ErrorDetails><errors><code>DATA_EXCEPTION</code><message>Object not found or is not a template:  Parameter = [pTemplateObjectId], Table = [tbl_Alias,tbl_User], Column = [Alias,ObjectId]</message></errors></ErrorDetails>


Now, when I query the user templates via the same method I see that this is true, as the requested template is not returned. However, using CUDLI I can see the template I am trying to add and the corresponding ObjectID.


Why can't I access my admin templates? Am I trying to build the user in the wrong location? i.e users as opposed to adminusers?


Thank you.





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