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Answer call with CTI Route Point and then redirect to CTI Port using Jtapi

Level 1
Level 1

Hi ,

I have an application where the external user will dial in using toll free number to the CTI Route Point and based on the route pattern it should  be redirected to a particular CTI Port ( Here for every meeting one CTI Port is allocated to support multiple sessions) where some meeting is already going.My approach is as follows:

In the callChangedEvent(CallEv[] events) I have the following logic.

for (CallEv event: events){

        if(event.getID() ==TermConnRingingEv.ID)





Now when I call to the CTI Route point it says line is busy(Here the idea is to route the call to the particular CTI Port)

Can you please let me know what is the issue here in this logic and if this approach is wrong kindly help me with the steps to accomplish this.

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