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Email alarm notifications in ISE 2.4

Arne Bier

Hi all


I have a customer running ISE 2.2 and I am trying to set them up with email alerts for specific CRITICAL alarms only (e.g. disk threshold, certs expired, etc) but I don't have an ISE 2.2 system to test with.  But I have an ISE 2.4 patch 5 lab and I thought that the email alerting should be similar (if not identical) ?


When I was testing I found that ISE would not send an email for the alarms I was testing because ISE had not yet generated the alarm itself, even though the actual event had really taken place! 
e.g. I changed the config in ISE, but ISE would not create an Alarm for that - hence, no emails.  And early on in my testing I enabled the feature to send alarms for ALL events and then by coincidence an Alarm was created and I received an email.  This caused me to believe that I needed to enable this feature globally.  But I think that was a red herring.


I need a reliable way to test this feature.  I have chosen the NTP sync failure and Smart Licensing Registration, because these are things I can easily toggle to provoke events (e.g "Fewer VM Licenses installed" is a reliable alarm)  .


Just beware that even though you create some fault/event in ISE, the Alarm event generation may be delayed by hours - and you won't receive any emails as a result.  I don't know how the Alarming works in ISE.  e.g. if I consistently break NTP, why don't I get emails about that?


I have been on a bit of a journey of discovery today, realising that ISE Alarms are generated at different intervals.  e.g. ISE Inactivity is every 15 minutes.  But NTP failures are only alarmed every 75 minutes.  I have not seen this documented anywhere?



Does anyone have a reference of how often these various alarms are sent out?  I am afraid of spamming my customer with ISE alarm emails.

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