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Unable to access local LAN using Client to Site VPN on RV340

Level 1
Level 1



I'm trying to setup Client to Site VPN on RV340 and MAC High Sierra.  I setup the client to site VPN configuration on RV340 and Cisco IPSec on the MAC.  The client VPN shows connected, and this is the same when I check the VPN status on RV340 that shows the client is connected.


The issue I face, I cannot connect to the local LAN - VLAN 10.  On the MAC, I ping to the gateway and it seldom returns a reply.  I also tried to remote a Windows desktop a computer on the VLAN10 and I used wireshark to trace.  I see that the traffic from the VPN client is sent to the local VLAN 10 desktop but the replies are TCP retransmission to the VPN client.  The Ping request from the VPN client to the VLAN 10 desktop shows (no response found!)


I have 6 VLANs with VLAN 1 as the default (not used), and VLAN 50 as Native VLAN

VLAN 1, 10, 20, 30, 50, 120  - I only need to connect to VLAN 10 network from the VPN


Port 1 - Native VLAN 50, VLAN 10, VLAN 20


This looks like a routing issue to me.  The problem is, when I created the Client to Site VPN it only asked for a range of IP that will be assigned to VPN clients and not the subnet.


Has anyone had this issue before and how did you solve this?   I followed the posts on how to create the Client to Site VPN and even used admin accounts, simple passwords without special characters still no success.   


Thank you for anyone who can clarify this.

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