12-06-2019 03:48 AM
Hi All
I am experinceing a very strange issue. We have a pair of Nexus9000 C9372PX
We are seeing issues with UDP / Skype calls . I have set up IPLSA's everywhere in the network and the only bad reponse is through these core switches . IPLSA beyond them that runs through the switch to other switches look ok .
So the issue seems to be only on the switches which is causing issues , I have investigated absolutely everything , pack loss , ICMP jitter is good , IPSLA to the CE connected to the nexus is good .
They are on NXOS: version 7.0(3)I4(6) I cannot find any related bugs .
Any one have any ideas . I am looking at upgrading to nxos.7.0.3.I7.6.bin ( recommended) but would like to know if anyone knows of any bugs or experienced any simialr issues ?