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Jabber - Connection to Phone Services Failed

Level 1
Level 1

Hi all.


I'm running into an issue that has me scratching my head and was hoping to get some input. Two users at my company started experiencing the error "Connection to Phone Services Failed" in their Jabber minutes after signing in roughly a week ago. They are of course unable to make/receive calls. We have quite a few users and so far only two have reported this.


Both users are working over VPN and using CSF devices. I've rebuilt their CSF devices, signed out/back in to Jabber, reset Jabber, moved them to a different IMP server, had them disconnect/reconnect from VPN and the issue persists. I as well as my colleagues are unable to duplicate this issue. If these users disconnect from VPN and let Jabber use MRA while going over the expressway traversal pairs, the error immediately clears. The error code in jabber when this happens is  CJ:2100:2 but I havent had luck in finding what this may be referring to. At times the users jabber client will stay connected to phones services for an hour and then error back out, but typically its just minutes after signing in.


Has anyone experienced this before and if so, is there anything I may be missing or additional troubleshooting I try? Any input is greatly appreciated and I am happy to provide additional information if needed.

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