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CSCvd10535 - UCCE user integration fails when a new supervisor to be synced already exists in CUIC - 3

Level 1
Level 1

We recently hit this bug in UCCE 11.6.1 / CUIC 


Our client reported that some users were getting the following error when trying to view live data report gadgets in Finesse. "Request to Server returned Forbidden".  


We traced the issue to CUIC where some agents were not syncing properly from UCCE. We found the following error when attempting synchronization in UCCE User Integration Configuration. "FAILED [ doBulkInsert for Supervisors failed: SQLException: Unique constraint (informix.u120_107) violated. ]"


We were able to clear the user sync error in CUIC using the SQL query provided in Step 6 of the following document. run sql select * from cuic_data:cuicuser cuic ,(select t.ADLoginName, t.personid from cuic_data:cuicuser as c, cuic_data:cuic_temp_users as t where c.personid = t.personid and != t.ADLoginName ) as temp where = temp.ADLoginName and (cuic.personid != temp.personid or cuic.personid is NULL)


The output from this query provided a "problematic users in CUIC that need to be deleted ( Again  DO NOT delete them  from CUIC CLI with SQLstatements )". Deleting this user in CUIC allowed the user sync to complete successfully. All the previous users then synced successfully and were able to see the Live Data report gadgets in Finesse.


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