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CUCM Control Center Services API - getProductInformationList: Unknown fault occured



I am trying to run the following python program to obtain product information from CUCM.

The python program errors out with the following message -


Zeep error: getProductInformationList: Unknown fault occured


However while using postman I can retrieve data.


Python code below -



from lxml import etree
import requests
from requests import Session
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

from zeep import Client, Settings, Plugin
from zeep.transports import Transport
from zeep.exceptions import Fault

import os
import sys

from dotenv import load_dotenv

DEBUG = os.getenv( 'DEBUG' ) == 'True'

WSDL_FILE = 'file://C:/Users/serviceability-python-zeep-samples/schema/ControlCenterServices.wsdl'

class MyLoggingPlugin( Plugin ):

    def egress( self, envelope, http_headers, operation, binding_options ):

        if not DEBUG: return

        xml = etree.tostring( envelope, pretty_print = True, encoding = 'unicode')

        print( f'\nRequest\n-------\nHeaders:\n{http_headers}\n\nBody:\n{xml}' )

    def ingress( self, envelope, http_headers, operation ):

        if not DEBUG: return

        xml = etree.tostring( envelope, pretty_print = True, encoding = 'unicode')

        print( f'\nResponse\n-------\nHeaders:\n{http_headers}\n\nBody:\n{xml}' )

session = Session()

session.verify = False


username = 'admin'
password = 'password'
host = ''

session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth( os.getenv( username ), os.getenv( password ) )

transport = Transport( session = session, timeout = 10 )

settings = Settings( strict = False, xml_huge_tree = True )

plugin = [ MyLoggingPlugin() ] if DEBUG else [ ]

client = Client( WSDL_FILE, settings = settings, transport = transport, plugins = plugin )

service = client.create_service(

	resp = service.getProductInformationList(ServiceInfo='')
except Fault as err:
    print( f'Zeep error: getProductInformationList: {err}' )
    sys.exit( 1 )

print( "\ngetProductInformationList response:\n" )




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