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WebEx RoomKit OBTP

Level 1
Level 1

Good day,
I have the following problem.
We want to join MS Teams Meeting with our WebEx RoomKit using WebEx Hybrid Calendar.
Everything has been set up as far as it goes. Created a resource mailbox and set the permissions.
But now I have the following problem

I invite the Roomkit to a MS Teams meeting.
The Roomkit automatically accepts the invitation and enters it in the calendar.
On the Touch 10 the appointment is displayed.

Now I have the following problem:
The OBTP is not displayed on the Touch 10 for every invitation, sometimes the OBTP is not present and the RoomKit cannot join the appointment.
The behavior is not always the same, I can invite the Roomkit with the same user several times, sometimes it works and then again not.


Does anyone have an idea about this.


There are scrennshots of the RoomKit in the attachment.
The same appointment once with OBTO once without.



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