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Python VM not starting in NSO Docker container on M1 Mac

Similar to this post I am having issue with NSO and the M1 Mac.


My second issue is running a Linux docker container on my M1. M1 Mac uses Rosetta stone to perform qemu emulation for allow x86_64 programs to run on the M1 (arm64) Mac. The docker desktop runs fine, and other co-workers have containers that they ran on their previous Macs prior to moving to the M1 chipset. The NSO docker image will start up fine, note as healthy, and I can access the ncs cli. The java works fine, however the python VM fails to load.



admin@c647657c6c41# show packages package oper-status | tab
                                     PROGRAM                                                                       META     FILE
                                     CODE     JAVA           PYTHON         BAD NCS  PACKAGE  PACKAGE  CIRCULAR    DATA     LOAD   ERROR
aaa                              X   -        -              -              -        -        -        -           -        -      -
apply-template-interfaces        -   -        -              X              -        -        -        -           -        -      -
apply-to-devices                 -   -        -              X              -        -        -        -           -        -      -
root@c647657c6c41:/# cat log/ncs-python-vm-apply-template-interfaces.log
<INFO> 07-Jul-2022::14:17:40.339 apply-template-interfaces MainThread: - Python 3.7.3 (default, Jan 22 2021, 20:04:44) [GCC 8.3.0]
<INFO> 07-Jul-2022::14:17:40.346 apply-template-interfaces MainThread: - Starting...
<INFO> 07-Jul-2022::14:17:40.356 apply-template-interfaces MainThread: - Started

But each one exits early. 



root@c647657c6c41:/# cat log/ncs-python-vm.log
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:17:39.516 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Started PyVM: <<"apply-to-devices">> , Port=#Port<0.99> , OSpid="1276"
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:17:39.614 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Started PyVM: <<"apply-template-interfaces">> , Port=#Port<0.101> , OSpid="1287"
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:17:39.658 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: apply-to-devices :: Starting python3 -u /opt/ncs/ncs- -l info -f /log/ncs-python-vm -i apply-to-devices
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:17:39.794 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: apply-template-interfaces :: Starting python3 -u /opt/ncs/ncs- -l info -f /log/ncs-python-vm -i apply-template-interfaces
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:19:33.355 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: apply-template-interfaces :: PYTHONPATH is now ['/opt/ncs/ncs-', '/opt/ncs/ncs-', '/nso/run/state/packages-in-use/1/apply-template-interfaces/python', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.7', '/usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages', '/opt/ncs/nso-build/lib/pylib']
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:19:33.365 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: apply-to-devices :: PYTHONPATH is now ['/opt/ncs/ncs-', '/opt/ncs/ncs-', '/nso/run/state/packages-in-use/1/apply-to-devices/python', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.7', '/usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages', '/opt/ncs/nso-build/lib/pylib']
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.021 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.101>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.040 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.99>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.056 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.98>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.074 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.97>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.088 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.94>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.107 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.91>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.124 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.89>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.146 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.87>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.164 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.86>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.181 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.85>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.198 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.83>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.216 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.81>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.233 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.79>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.251 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.78>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.273 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.77>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.290 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.75>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.308 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.74>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.325 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.73>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.343 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.72>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.360 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.71>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.383 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.66>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.400 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.62>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.418 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.61>
<INFO> 7-Jul-2022::14:20:06.435 c647657c6c41 ncs[100]: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.60>



From digging around, it looks like it's failing around the python VM start for the python action itself.


It's clear that qemu is running python, which qemu running java is fine but python is having issues. I'm not certain if it's python itself, which other members on my team not using NSO are using the same containers with python in them without issue. I also run python, so I think it's specific to some library or file being used in NCS.


root@c647657c6c41:/opt/ncs/ncs- ps aux | grep java
root 977 2.2 10.6 13014104 3501964 ? Ssl 15:24 7:16 /usr/bin/qemu-x86_64 /usr/bin/java java -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -classpath :/opt/ncs/ncs-* -Dhost= -Dport=4569 -Djvm.restart.enabled=false -Djvm.restart.errCount=3 -Djvm.restart.duration=60 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dorg.apache.logging.log4j.simplelog.StatusLogger.level=OFF com.tailf.ncs.NcsJVMLauncher
root 5571 0.0 0.0 147308 7720 pts/1 Sl+ 20:43 0:00 /usr/bin/qemu-x86_64 /bin/grep grep java

root@c647657c6c41:/opt/ncs/ncs- python3 Python 3.7.3 (default, Jan 22 2021, 20:04:44) [GCC 8.3.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>




I found the file that starts the python VM for the python action class, and modified it with some comments to trace the logic, but got to here and am now lost. I'm pretty sure that self.main._run() call goes to the file of the action where it goes into the main class of the ncs application class Main(ncs.application.Application):


<DEBUG> 16-Feb-2022::16:57:03.33 apply-template-interfaces MainThread: - --- Init NcsPyVM object
<DEBUG> 16-Feb-2022::16:57:03.33 apply-template-interfaces MainThread: - Created class: Main
<DEBUG> 16-Feb-2022::16:57:03.33 apply-template-interfaces MainThread: - Created Thread: apply-template-interfaces.main.Main
<DEBUG> 16-Feb-2022::16:57:03.35 apply-template-interfaces ComponentThread:main: - Starting Main Class: apply-template-interfaces.main.Main
<DEBUG> 16-Feb-2022::16:57:03.35 apply-template-interfaces ComponentThread:main: - ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_daemon_name', '_finish', '_logger', '_mk_daemon_name', '_ncs_callback_channel', '_ncs_cname', '_ncs_i', '_ncs_id', '_ncs_pname', '_ncs_user_threads', '_ready', '_run', '_start', '_state_manager', '_state_mgr', '_trans_cb_cls', 'add_running_thread', 'create_daemon', 'critical', 'dd', 'debug', 'del_running_thread', 'error', 'info', 'log', 'reg_finish', 'register_action', 'register_fun', 'register_nano_service', 'register_service', 'register_trans_cb', 'setup', 'teardown', 'unreg_finish', 'wait', 'warning']
<DEBUG> 16-Feb-2022::16:57:03.36 apply-template-interfaces ComponentThread:main: - HERE1

        # Get the 'main class' from module
        self.dbg('Getattr ' + classname + ' from: ' + modname)
        main_cls = getattr(mod, classname)
    def run(self):
        self.dbg('Starting Main Class: ' + self.main_class)
            if hasattr(self.main, '_run'):
class Main(ncs.application.Application):
    def setup(self):'Main RUNNING')
        self.register_action('apply-template-interfaces-action', ApplyTemplateInterfaces)

After all of this, I am still lost as to what to do next.


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