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Prime Software Deployment Issue with IOS-XE 16.12.09

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Level 1

So yesterday I noticed that IOS-XE 16.12.09 dropped for 3650/3850 switches. I went to go deploy the code to my switches and I ran into a few issues.

Note: Prime Infrastructure is on 3.10.2 with patch 3.10.3.

First issue I noticed was that when going through the workflow for deploying 16.12.9 is that the checkbox to "Activate" the code was missing, see below. Not sure why it's missing. If I go through the workflow for ISR 17.6.5 code, the checkbox is present.


This then leads me to my other two issues.

Issue #2, for switches that I left with "Insert boot command" checked, Activate to Sequential, and Device Running mode to "convert to install mode" Prime pushed the 16.12.9.bin file, ran the install command, but failed to reboot the switch. The error it said was MD5 hash does not match.

Issue #3, for switches that I unchecked "Insert boot command" (there were some switches I didn't want to reboot), prime pushed the 16.12.9.bin code, but failed to run the install command and then reloaded the switches. Why did Prime reload my switches when I told it to NOT insert the boot command? I specifically did NOT want my switches to reload. The error they had is shown below:


Anyone else have this issue with Prime? This is the first time Prime has severely messed me over while doing updates, it's been pretty rock solid for years, I have no clue why 16.12.9 is causing an issue for Prime.

A few side notes: 1) I noticed when I was uploading the code into Prime that it took much longer to complete the upload job. 2) This issue was present on 3x different prime servers (yes, I have 3x networks I manage). 3) The 16.12.9.bin uploaded into Prime was a good file, I checked the file hash from CCO and it matches. I even manual performed an install and reboot of one of the switches that prime pushed the BIN file too and switch is totally fine, so I know my BIN file is good.

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