08-30-2023 12:22 AM - edited 09-01-2023 03:06 AM
Respected Members,
I am using dual Exanic X-25 cards one for two interactive[TCP] connections on individual port and one for Multicast data only.
I have attached hardware ,firmaware report and pcap file of both the ports in zip file.
I am facing retransmission issue while sending data towards remote end using exanic0 Interface: enp23s0 and Interface: enp23s0d1.
Development process followed is as suggested by ExaNIC Library (libexanic) Usage - ExaNIC User Guide (exablaze.com).
Below is small sample of my code :
Code to write data to socket :
Thanks & Regards
Update :1
If this not the right place to post this question can someone please help me with the correct location ?
Thanks & Regards